Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Open-source access and copyright issues

Regarding the pros and cons of open-source access to writing, I've heard two sides in the scientific community. One is that scientists need access to the results of each other's work as soon as possible, particularly in a global community. Many prestigious departments and universities have begun permitting papers to be posted on their websites as soon as they are written or vetted by the authors' respective departments. Who becomes known for a discovery first is very important in terms of prestige, honors and possible commercial offshoots. Most academic writing benefits scientists' (and other academics') careers indirectly; they are usually not paid for their writing. In fact, most academic and scientific journals charge them to publish, so much more of their time than they would like to spend goes toward seeking grants to cover such charges.

On the other hand, scientific journals say that the volunteer peer-review process is crucial to maintaining the quality and integrity of research. As for attribution, each journal article includes its submission date as verification in case of a dispute over who discovered a process or phenomenon first. Such journals are already under a great deal of pressure from their members to reduce page charges, particularly for color reproductions of charts, graphs and other illustrations. Some are now discouraging print subscriptions and trying to move individuals and institutions, including libraries, to exclusively electronic subscriptions. Surprisingly, however, publication costs do not decline as much as one might think when paper and postage are eliminated.

Another issue is that papers that are posted before peer review may be revised by the authors as more information is available. This may result in confusion over which results are accurate. The increasing use of multimedia supplements to papers also affects the publishing process. Work that is available electronically can be much richer, in terms of color, video, etc., than what can be economically printed. So a journal's dilemma becomes: Which is the official journal, the print journal academic libraries still subscribe to, or the electronic version? So far, most journals are requiring authors to pay color charges for images to be printed if they want them to be available in color electronically. Resistance to electronic-only subscriptions remains high but is declining as the advantages of cost, speed and supplementary materials are recognized.

The copyright process in scientific journals is different from other publications. Authors must transfer their copyrights to the journals upon submission, but they still retain most rights. Reprints, however, require permission from the journals. Increasingly, U.S. journals are publishing work from abroad, where copyright laws are quite different. Another trend is that many individuals and institutions are collaborating on research and publication of results. Consequently, journals are being driven to change their policies. In 2007, for example, one scientific society that publishes a number of journals began making accepted papers accessible via its website immediately upon acceptance by the peer-review editor, if desired by the author(s). Some accepted papers require considerable post-acceptance editing, which is why the production process can take several months, but at least the meat of the work will be searchable as soon as it has been validated by the peer-review process.

This helps to explain why a substantial number of academics support open-sourcing. Their self-interest is quite different from that of the typical writer. For one thing, most of their work is developed by teams and most articles are co-authored, with any financial benefits shared by their institutions. The sooner their work becomes known, the sooner they receive invitations to speak, inquiries from potential commercial interests, promotions, and funding for further research.


Anonymous said...

I thought your exposition of April 9 on the current state of publishing was excellent. Your writing is effortless to read. It's the style I aim for. I've been thinking myself about a lot of the points you made. I agree totally that we want to get our results into the public forum as fast as possible, and that electronic publishing/posting is perfectly suited for speed. On the other hand, I've changed areas slightly with my new job and am now more involved with atmospheric chemistry. Many of the articles I now read are electronic journals. The quality of some of the work, to my mind, is lower than what I've seen in print journals. So, you gain the speed of publishing and easy access, but lower the standards. As I said, you put it all very clearly.

Dorothy Durnford, Ph.D.

El Gran Rogelio said...

I found your BLOG via Dave Scultz' site. Great work!

Thanks for posting your clear and insightful ideas on open-source publication. From the perspective of an author and reviewer for AMS periodicals and other "traditional" journals, and an editor for an open-source journal (EJSSM,, I've experienced this debate and concern first-hand.

EJSSM has addressed a problem you mentioned, regarding timing of review versus publication, by attempting (with good but not full success so far) to shorten review times, then "publishing" immediately upon completion of technical editing. Since the journal is all-electronic, there is no wait for the hardcopy not any doubt over which "version" is official. After all, there's only one version: online. Once uploaded, print versions can be created freely at any time by anyone, anywhere.

I'm glad you mentioned multimedia also. To me this is the most outstanding advantage of the online, open-source format, especially if the journal hosts manuscript-related multimedia onsite (to avoid links going stale). We, therefore, decided to do it just that way. Also, authors are the copyright holders, not the journal. As such, we also recommend that authors use one of the Creative Commons licenses, which lets them manifest their consent to open access. That seems to have caused no problems whatsoever, and in fact, has solved one.

Ironically, despite the open-source advantages you mention for academic authors, they comprise a very small proportion of our authorship so far. The largest is operational forecasters. That's fine, but I do hope that the academic advantages of timeliness that you mentioned begin to take root in the minds of prospective authors.

Recruiting authors is the biggest challenge for any new journal, and EJSSM has been no exception. Human nature expresses a normal and understandable measure of discomfort in the unfamiliar. Scientists are no exception, and and every new journal is unfamiliar. Time, and only time, solves that. We're being very patient and thinking long-term, for that reason. Emphasize quality first, and quantity eventually will follow. So...

Onward we forge, undeterred, thanks to low overhead, low costs, and strong dedication by the all-volunteer staff. We're not competing with AMS or anyone else, but instead, providing still another outlet for quality severe weather science to spread 'round the world, quickly and inexpensively.

===== Roger =====